Our climate goals
To counter global climate change and following the ambitious objectives formulated in the Paris Agreement for a low-carbon society, CEWE has set itself two long-term goals to be reached by 2025. These goals were recognised by the Science Based Targets Initiative in 2017:
1. Cutting absolute Scope 1 and Scope 2 CO₂e emissions between 2015 and 2025 from 13,401 t/a to less than 6,700 t/a.
2. Reducing absolute Scope 3 CO₂e emissions as shown in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) by a minimum of 25% by 2025 compared to figures of the baseline year 2015.
Scope 1: Direct CO₂ emissions from stationary and mobile sources. This covers combustion methods for heating (predominantly natural gas) and the fuel consumption by the company's own or leased vehicles.
Scope 2: Indirect emissions originate from generating the electricity bought in.
Scope 3: Other indirect emissions connected to the company's activities yet not generated by it. This includes, for example, the supply chain processes for sourcing materials and the delivery of products, waste management logistics as well as employee commutes or business trips.

Climate action measures
Climate action at CEWE is composed of offsetting and reducing CO₂ emissions. To reduce CO₂ emissions, we have developed a climate policy which comprises different projects and actions. Reducing energy forms a vital approach for this. The actions taken have already shown to be highly effective
Use of regenerative energies
In-house photovoltaic systems have been in operation at the locations in Freiburg, Germering and at the new building in Oldenburg since August 2017.
A reduction in CO2 emissions of 94 tons in 2023
Use of green electricity
By purchasing green electricity in Oldenburg, Munich, Mönchengladbach, Freiburg and at DeinDesign, SAXOPRINT (partially) as well as in some sales offices.
Prevention of 7.436 (2022: 7.119t) t of Scope 1 and Scope 2 CO2
Reduction of energy consumption
Efficiency increases (e.g. LED lighting systems, Green IT) lower the consumption of energy at the various locations.
A reduction in CO2 emissions by over 400 tons annually
Use of low-consumption company vehicles
Hybrid and electric vehicles are increasingly being used in the fleet. The total CO2e emissions of the vehicle fleet are offset. CEWE uses 47 electric vehicles (2022: 42), 21 of which are fully electric and the others hybrid. A further 73 company vehicles are diesel-powered.
In order to make greater use of electromobility, 23 charging stations are available in Oldenburg, 18 of which are currently active. As all charging stations have two charging points each, a total of 46 e-vehicles can be charged. Two charging stations with one charging option have been installed in Eschbach and Germering and there is one charging station with two charging options in Mönchengladbach.
WhiteWall also offers charging stations on site.
Reduction of Scope 1 emissions by 479 tons in 2023 (2022: 448 t)
Distribution logistics
Importing from Asia has been optimised. Products are now no longer stored exclusively at a central warehouse but are delivered directly to the individual sites. In Germany, all CEWE products are shipped climate-neutrally using services such as UPS Carbon Neutral Shipment, GOGREEN and Total Zero.
Transport channels and CO2 pollution have been reduced
Business trips by train
The use of BahnCard Business, a service by Deutsche Bahn for discounted rail travel, allows for climate neutral business travel.
Energy-conscious behaviour
Energy-conscious behaviour on the part of employees and the energy-conscious use of production machinery has been improved. Consequently, machine running times have been extended.